CDL General Knowledge Test 7 – Classic Mode

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1. When roads are slippery, you should:

A Stop and test the traction while going up hills.
B Drive alongside other drivers.
C Decreases the distance that you look ahead of your vehicle.
D Make turns as gently as possible.

2. While driving, you see a small (1 foot square) cardboard box ahead in your lane. You should:

A Steer around it when it is safe to do so.
B Hit it with your vehicle to knock it off the road.
C Brake hard to avoid hitting it.
D Stop and direct traffic around it.

3. Which of these pieces of emergency equipment should be carried at all times in your vehicle?

A Fire extinguishers.
B Warning devices for parked vehicles.
C Spare electrical fuses (if the vehicle uses them).
D All of the above.

4. What is counter steering?

A Using the steering axle brakes to prevent over steering.
B Steering in the opposite direction from what other drivers expect you to do.
C Turning the wheel in the opposite direction after steering to avoid a traffic emergency.
D Turning the steering wheel counter clockwise.

5. You do not have a hazardous materials endorsement on your commercial drivers license. When can you drive a vehicle hauling hazardous materials?

A Never
B Only when the shipment will not cross state lines.
C Only when the vehicle does not require placards.
D Only when a person who has the hazardous materials endorsement rides in the vehicle.

6. You are driving a new truck with a manual transmission. What gear will you probably have to use to take a long downhill grade?

A A lower gear that you would use to climb the hill.
B The same gear you would use to climb the hill.
C A higher gear that you would use to climb the hill.
D None: newer trucks can coast down hills.

7. High beams should be:

A Dimmed when you are within 100 feet of another vehicle.
B Used whenever it is safe and legal to do so.
C Turned on when an oncoming driver does not dim his or her lights.
D All of the above.

8. An en-route inspection should include checking:

A Cargo doors and / or cargo securement.
B Tire temperature.
C Brake temperature.
D All of the above.

9. Where or when should you test the stopping action of your service brakes?

A At a special brake testing center only.
B When the vehicle is traveling downhill without a load.
C When the vehicle is moving at about 5 MPH.
D In a parking lot when the vehicle is not moving.

10. Stab braking:

A Should never be used.
B Involves locking the wheels.
C Involves steady pressure on the brake pedal.
D Should only be used on slick roads.

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